1. short for "lunatic". A crazy person. This term is derived from the phrase "crazy as a loon".

2. in Canada this word denotes a 1 dollar coin that has a loon bird on one side. A Canadian 2 dollar coin, which has a polar bear on one side is called a "toony".
1. The loony is on the grass.

2. At the University of Toronto I talked to a student there and I mentioned seeing the word "loonies" on a video game in a bar nearby. I told her that in America a loony is a lunatic, that the word means that someone is nuts. She said it used to mean that in Canada too, but the meaning changed when the coins were introduced.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 13, 2007
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A Canadian dollar coin, so named, because it has the image of a wild loon on its face, and Queen Elizabeth on the other, it's hard to tell which is which.
Shoot me a loonie for a pop, I'm thirsty.
by Canadian prick December 23, 2003
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Goofy, crazy.

I guess it could also mean 'like a loon (the bird)', but what would that be saying?
Mick: Steve's acting a little loony; now he's always talking about this get-rich quick scheme that he brought home from work and how he really wants each of us to have a piece of it. I'm not sure if he's joking or what.

Stan: You can never tell with that guy.
by Diggity Monkeez May 27, 2005
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Another name for Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. It's a nickname that she got from being so quirky.
Peeves:Potter luuuuurves Loony!
by Jedi Master Luna February 3, 2006
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A lunatic more crazy than a lunatic
George:oh wow Sara is acting real loony today
by Bipanicbish October 1, 2021
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The word "loony" comes from the retarded superstition that staring at the moon will make you batshit crazy. It can mean one of 2 things:
1)Someone who disagrees with you, and who you do not wish to speak to or listen to. This term can be used by nancy boys and douchebags such as fundies, generally to refer to lib'rals.
2)Someone who is demonstrably delusional or psychotic. Often these people will disguise their psychosis as a political ideology, generally blaming various groups of scapegoats for all their problems based on negligible or nonexistent evidence.
Famous current loonies include: Ann Coulter, John Ashcroft, Rush Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Osama bin Laden, and all other fundies, Nazis, and people involved with (or seriously believing the rhetoric of) the Church of Voodoo Pharmacology.

The most common relatively sane person to be an alleged loony is Michael Moore, who contrary to Republican beliefs is not actually insane, but simply obese and incoherent.
by jazzriff October 12, 2005
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